Play Pass Waiver 

The following must be agreed to in order to participate in any Curious Little Playhouse (TCLP) Membership, Program and Activity:

Informed Consent and Release of Liability

  1. In signing this agreement, I certify that I/my child am/is able to participate fully in the program unless otherwise stated in writing to TCLP.  In case of voluntary withdrawal, I understand that there will be no refund of fee for the period concerned.
  2. In consideration of being allowed to participate in the activities and programs of the TCLP and to use the facilities and play equipment, I/we do hereby waive, release and forever discharge, and indemnify and hold harmless the  and its officers, agents, employees, representatives and all others from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries or damages, except those caused by the negligent act or omission of any of the forgoing persons or entities, arising out of, resulting from or in connection with my/our use of the TCLPs Facilities and Equipment or my/our participation in any TCLP programs.
  3. I/We understand that participation in the TCLP Programs and the use of the TCLP’s Facilities is potentially hazardous.   I/We hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death.
  4. I/We understand that the TCLPs Facilities and Equipment may not be advisable for certain individuals, including but not limited to elderly persons, children that cannot walk up steps on their own or come down a sliding board on their own. 
  5. I understand that playtime can involve other children/families and do not hold TCLP to their behaviors.  If another person/child is being harmful, they will be asked to leave. 


TCLP Membership and Program Agreement

  1. Draft via Electronic Fund Transfer or Withdrawal of funds via checking account and credit/debit account is a continuous membership plan.
  2. I understand that if I wish to terminate or change my membership after the 12 month period in any way, I must give the TCLP notice in writing, by emailing, by phone or in person within 30 days of the last payment due (12th payment) for the cancellation or change to take effect for the following annual membership.
  3. Should any membership or program draft not be honored by my bank or financial institution for any reason, I realize that I am still responsible for that payment plus a service charge that may be applied by the TCLP or its third party billing vendor.  This is in addition to any service fee my bank may charge.
  4. Membership belongs to the child and cannot be shared with another person/child.
  5. I agree to abide by all TCLP membership and program policies, by-laws and standards of conduct; and further acknowledge that the TCLP reserves the right to terminate the membership or participation of anyone that fails to adhere to these policies, by-laws, and standards.


Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization

I authorize my financial institution to honor Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or Withdrawal of funds initiated by the The Curious Little Playhouse on my account for membership payments. When the financial institution honors the EFT/Withdrawal by charging my account, such transfer shall constitute notice of payment due and my receipt for the payment. If my Check/ACH Draft or Credit/Debit Card auto withdrawal is returned unpaid, it will be collected electronically and I will be assessed a service fee up to the maximum amount allowed by law.  Check writer/Card holder is also responsible for all other collection costs.